Crochet Patterns

by Katrin Affolter

Many of my projects start with an idea, but without a concrete pattern or instructions. I try to write understandable patterns that hopefully not only I can follow. Unfortunately, I don't have anyone who I can give them to read through and repeat. Therefore, my patterns may not always be clearly formulated or may even contain errors. So don't be afraid to write to me if you have any questions or find errors.

Celtic Tree

Laflina, Wollspinnerei Vetsch
Hook Size

1M ~ 0.312cm

1R ~ 0.2444cm


Pattern as PDF

front (left) ♦ front (right) ♦ back ♦ sleeves

The pdfs are not optimized. They are the print-version of the current pattern, as it is shown on this website.

Used Stitches


front post (double) crochet

Instead of yarn over in the previous stitch, the fp is done around the stitch from the last right side row. The postfixes "-l1" or "-r1" indicate the number of stitches shifted. For example, "-l1" means, that the fp shall be done around the stitch one step to the left.
As ar rule of thumb I add a "yarn over" for each stitch I have to shift. For example "fp-r2" means I have to shift two stitches to the right. Therefore, I will yarn over three times instead of a single yarn over before inserting the hook around the stitch.


front post crochet cluster

Crochet 3 front post crochets into the same stitch: yo (yarn over), pull a loop around the stitch down 2 rows, pull through two loops (first crochet), yo, pull a loop around the same stitch down 2 rows, pull through two loops (second crochet), yo, pull a loop around the same stitch down 2 rows, pull through two loops (third crochet), through the remaining 4 loops.


horizontal front post crochet

This is a horizontal front post stitch which is usually part of a normal front post stitch.
For example "fp-r1" with 3 "fpsc": yo (yarn over) 2 times, pull a loop around the stitch down 2 rows and to the right 1 stitches, yo, skip 1 stitch, pull a loop around the next stitch, yo, skip 1 stitch, pull a loop around the next stitch, pull a loop through 2 loops on the hook and continue until you have 1 loop left.
For a detailed explanation including a video I can recommend Suvi's Crochet.


single crochet


single crochet decrease


single crochet increase